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If you are a finance professional who is not already knowledgeable about the details of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), this qualification has a fast and efficient solution to meet your needs. You need to develop a working knowledge of the area, and the DipIFR will make this happen.




The course is designed to develop your knowledge and understanding of International Financial Reporting Standards. You will also learn how to apply them, as well as the concepts and principles which underpin them.

On completion of the Diploma candidates should be able to:

·         understand and explain the structure of the framework of international accounting

·         apply relevant financial reporting standards to key elements of financial reports

·         identify and apply disclosure requirements for companies in financial reports and notes

          prepare group financial statements (excluding group cash-flow statements) including subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures


          35 lectures -twice lectures per week -(4 hours ) From 6-10 BM








Two parts                                                                                             financial Accounting & Reporting- 35 lectures            

currently papers from From F5 To F9 papers 

Duration                                                                                               Audit And Attestation-                        30 lectures             ( begin from 1/12/2014 to 30/5/2015)

part one  25 lectures                                                                          Regultaion & Taxation                     35 lectures               each paper lectures is held twice per week
part Two 35 lectures                                                                           Business environment                    20 lectures

                                                                                                                lectures are held twice per week 

                                                                                                                Exams are held currently in several Arbic regions



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